In 2007, Iranian IRIB TV station had interviewed and reported LYA. To see the subtitled show, click here. An alternative English translation was posted in "comments" below.
There are many Iranian websites on DJG and LYA. It’s interesting to see the writing is from right to left online.
Below were cartoons published in Iran:

Translation from fans:
1. What a heart, you be the lover
for it's every night, be the light, when it is foggy
Sickness is so marvelous, dear me!
When you be my nurse to cure me!!
Bubble over the hand: "wonderful, that's it"
The text on the left hand side: "ide people!!"
2. She says: "you burned the food again" pointed to her daughter!? Learn a little from other daughters...!!

The Iranian version of
Dae Jung Geum (大長今)
from Mansour
Related story ***************
The story of the Korean drama "Dae Jung Geum (大長今)" will become part of curriculum of Hong Kong elementary schools. It is not just due to its popularity but its cultural content.
To see news, click here and another one.
1 comment:
Below is the translation of recent Iranian IRIB TV station interview of LYA.
Tranlated by Ashkan, an Iranian fan.
Part 1:
The interviewer starts with common greetings.
LYA: Salam (Persian word for saying hello). Thanks for coming to Korea. I will always remember this interview.
The interviewer asks her if she knows about DJG fans in Iran.
LYA: I read about your coming in the newspaper and I heard about it on TV. Many Iranian fans wrote to me in my website. I thank them all.
Interviewer: When I was talking to Korean directors, they said you are very serious during filming. Is it right?
LYA: It took six months to film DJG. I worked constantly for this drama even without a day's rest. I had to study the details of each scene and put a lot of energy for playing my role. It was the best drama I played in and I thank all my colleagues very much.
Part 2:
Interviewer: In all your biographies, DJG is considered your most important work. Do you agree with that?
LYA: I started acting when I was 23. I have played in many films and TV dramas. I did my best in each and every one of them. I can't say I only did my best for DJG. But DJG attracted a lot of attention. I am very happy about that. I will never forget this drama.
Interviewer: You have played in very remarkable films. You have also won awards for some of them. In some countries, like Iran, actors are afraid of playing in TV dramas because they think their fans will no longer go to cinemas to watch their films on the silver screen. Is it the same in Korea? Do you have the same feeling?
LYA: It was so in the past, but not now. Nowadays, the Korean culture has spread everywhere. Korean films and TV dramas have a lot fans across the world and in many countries, such as Iran. DJG is even more popular than Korean films. Most people like watching TV dramas. Therefore, many actors play in them. Both films and TV dramas have improved a lot in Korea.
Interviewer: When I was coming to Korea, many people told me to ask you if are like JG in your real life. The same simplicity and kindness.
LYA: It's not the first that someone is asking me this question. Playing in DJG has taught me a lot of things. I think I've become wiser and more experienced. I established my status as an actress after playing in DJG. I owe my fame to DJG. I always try to keep JG's good personality in me.
Interviewer: As a child? When you were the same age as little JG? Did you think you would become so famous one day?
LYA: Actually, I didn't think I would become an actress one day and play in films. I studied German at the university and I intended to continue my studies in Germany. But suddenly I found a part-time job when I was in my second year at the university. It was in that time when I started playing short roles in some films. Then I played in a TV drama. This was the beginning of my career as an actress. After that, I studied a lot about acting and tried to be a good actress.
Interviewer: So you didn't choose acting, but you were chosen by acting.
LYA: I think we both chose one another.
Interviewer: Is cooking an important part of the Korean culture?
LYA: Korea is not a big country, but it has many kinds of food. Kim-chi (?) is a Korean food which can be cooked in so many different ways. We have 200 kinds of Kim-chi in Korea. When you eat a country's food, you'll learn about its culture. I think in Iran there are also many kinds of food which represent the culture of Iranian cities. Our culture has diversity exactly as our food does. Our people like eating delicious food.
Interviewer: Can you cook?
LYA: Before filming DJG, I spent 15 days for learning how to cook. I got interested in cooking Korean food during this time. I cut my finger so many times while cooking, but learning how to cook was worth it.
Interviewer: Which scene in DJG moved you very much?
LYA: I almost played in every scene in DJG. So it's not easy to choose one scene among so many because every single scene had its own impact on me. But if I am to choose a single scene, my favourites will be the scene when JG sees Lady Hen ('s soul) after a long time; the scene of the death of lady Hen; and the scene in which JG meets Min when he's working on a farm as an exile.
Interviewer: I know you don't have much time and have to go back for filming. There is one more question. I've heard many TV channels in China and other Asian countries, as well as some European channels, wanted to have an interview with you. But you do not like interviews very much. Why did you agree to have an interview with us?
LYA: I didn't expect DJG to become so popular among Iranians. I think people with different cultures and languages can communicate through films. I hope this will help Iran and Korea to have closer contacts.
Part 3
Interviewer: I would like to give a gift from all Iranians, especially the Iranian women who are very hard-working like you.
LYA: (Takes the gift) Ah, thank you very much? Can I open it now?
The Iranian woman: Yes please, I hope you'll like it.
LYA: I'm sorry that I don't have a gift to give to you. (Looks at the box) Does it have a traditional design?
The Iranian woman: Yes, this was made in an Iranian city.
LYA: So it belongs to your country. What a beautiful box.
The Iranian woman: This is a handicraft made in Iran.
LYA: Oh, Iran has so many beautiful things. It's very beautiful. Thank you very much. I love these colours? I'm opening the box. What's this?
The Iranian woman: Pistachio.
LYA: Oh, I love eating.
Unfortunately, the audio quality for the rest of part three was not good at all. I will post the rest of the translation as soon as I find a video with better quality.
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