November 24, 2007

Hiden History in the Movie 《夜﹒明》

Most people are not aware that there was a 2nd wife of Sun Yat-sen (孫中山). The story was told in 《夜﹒明》 with original name 《檳城黃花》. Mai Loon, the Penang producer of the movie, has provided me some pictures in 2006, however, Google has lost them all. Mai Loon has again provided me the link to Maverick2006's picasa pictures (see below). I selected some of them and posted below. Notice the 娘惹 clothes.

Shooting in 僑生博­物館, 龍山堂邱氏宗祠 & 蝴蝶屋 (original 陸運濤別墅):

Actor and actresses 趙文瑄, 李心潔, 吳越 .... etc.
To see all Maverick2006 picasa pictures, click ---現場--- and ---劇照---
Also, see ---the news---and ---the trailer--- of the movie.

翠亨孫氏達成祖家譜中有這樣的文字:元配盧慕貞(1885年結婚,1915年離婚)享壽八十六歲,側室陳粹芬(1891年開始與孫中山同居,1912年秋離開孫中山)享壽八十九歲,妣宋慶齡(1915年22歲的宋與49歲的孫中山結婚)享壽八十九歲。 盧慕貞後來住在澳門,被暱稱為“澳門婆”;陳粹芬常住南洋,被暱稱為“南洋婆”;宋慶齡則被暱稱為“上海婆”。
