原來我所說的, ”英愛讓我們從頭來過吧!”, 是讀博士學位....
咁....美女呀! 我需要等妳多少年? 李博士!
唉, 英愛! 讀吧,讀吧,讀破萬卷書吧!
朝鮮日報網 (2009.05.21)
Translated by Momo (LYA official site): Korean Star News
News article just popped up saying that she applied for the PhD program in the department of theater and drama at Hanyang University, the same school where she earned her bachellor's degree in German literature & linguistics.
List of admitted students will be announced on June 5.
She said this doesn't mean she will quit acting--she plans to continue acting along with her study.
This news popped up while we were doing the video series "Let's start it over again,Young-a!".
英愛視頻系列: 讓我們從頭來過吧, 英愛! 5年前當她來到台灣開始推銷大長今。
Playlist: StartOver從頭來過英愛