《Money Today Star news》5日報道說,在接拍影片《親切的金子》以後,一直沒有活動的演員李英愛正在考慮通過《大長今2》重返熒屏,因此引起關注。
據報導,製作《風之國》等作品的外包製作公司“A story”和外包製作公司“A TOP Media”最近與《李祘2》,而李英愛考慮出演這部作品。
據報導,“A TOP Media”有關負責人表示:“正在和李英愛討論這部作品。是拍《大長今2》還是其他作品,都有可能。”
朝鮮日報網 (2009.02.06)
Below story is a pure contemplation.
據官方網站Momo推測, 這是另外一個故事,而不是大長今2 。
以下是Momo寫, Google 翻譯:
有傳言說,這(大長今2)不是大長今的延伸,但是一個同類的的故事, 講述另一著名朝鮮王朝女醫生, 稱為金萬德。 這電視節目製造計劃的發生, 大約與大長今同一時間,同時李英愛被考慮為其主角。
那麼,如果上述傳言確實是真實的,我覺得這金萬德故事, 無疑的,是值得變成了一個獨自的電視連續劇。她更知名為一個成功的商人和慈善家,而不是作為一個醫生,那時期中一個真正的罕見的女性人物。
一個女人的低下出生,她在濟州島作為妓生(相當於韓國的藝伎)長大,但後來意識到, 妓生是一個被他人鄙視的職業,她決定成為一名商人,並取得了巨大的成功。在1793年,濟州遭受了大飢荒,她捐贈了她的整個私人財產, 挽救濟州挨餓的居民,這是她最有名的地方。 她的善行,使她得到會見國王正祖(李祘),這是平民很少允許的事,特別是婦女。國王賦予她的頭銜國家醫師作為報酬。當他問她還想要什麼,她要求他給她一個機會前往大陸(那時濟州居民不允許的) -- 具體地說,參觀了漢陽(漢城)和金剛山(認為是韓國最美麗的山) 。
總之,她是一個非常有吸引力的人物,相比更勝於女王善德(即使沒有那麼著名),至少相當於長今。 還有她比長今有更多的歷史記錄(長今實際上是一個幾乎虛構人物) 。我還認為,她不同長今, 可以自己有一個全新的電視連續劇。
From Momo:
Some rumors say that it's not really an extension of DJG, but a similarly-spirited story about another famous woman physician during Chosun Dynasty called Kim Man-deok. A plan to make a TV series about her had existed since around the same time as DJG, and Young-Ae was considered for its main role as well.
Well, if the rumor I mentioned above is indeed true, I think the story of Kim Man-deok is definitely worthy of making into a TV series in its own right. She's better known as a successful merchant and a philanthropist rather than as a physician, a truly rare female character to be found in that time period.
A woman of lowly birth, she grew up in Jeju Island as a gisaeng(妓生, Korean equivalent of geisha), but later realizing that gisaeng is an occupation despised by others, she decided to become a merchant and achieved a huge success. In the year 1793, Jeju Island suffered a big famine, and she donated her entire private possession to save starving residents of Jeju, which is what she's best known for. For her good deeds, she got to meet King Jeong-Jo (Yi San) in person, something rarely allowed for civilians, esp. women. The king endowed her the title of national physician as a reward. When he asked her what else she would like, she asked him to be given a chance to travel to the mainland (which had been disallowed for Jeju residents)--specifically, a tour of Hanyang (Seoul) and Kumgang mountains (considered the most beautiful mountains in Korea).
In short, she's a very fascinating character, much more so than Queen Seon-deok (even if not as famous) and at least as much as Jang-geum. And there's a lot more historical records about her than Jang-geum (JG is in fact an almost fictional character). I also think that she's different enough from JG to have a whole new TV series dedicated to herself.
My real concern, however, is not with the subject matter itself. The problem is that the production company and the writer attached to the project is far from being competent, as evidenced by their recent projects (Yi San, Kingdom of the Wind, etc.) which received mediocre responses. Assuming that the rumor is true, this would be the main reason for my opposition.
MV with song from 英國大嬸 Susan Boyle 唱的 "I Dreamed a Dream": Watch it in Youtube.